Fractal - Fraclet

About the Fraclet Annotation Framework

  • Title: Fraclet Tutorial
  • Author: Romain Rouvoy (INRIA)
  • Version: 2.0 (Fraclet-xdoc)
  • Released: August 30th, 2006

Fraclet is both an implementation of the Fractal specifications conformed to the level 0.1, and an annotation framework for the Fractal component model. Fraclet is composed of several annotations and plugins to generate automatically various artifacts required by the Fractal component model. Annotations provide a way to describe the component meta-information directly in the source code of the content class. Fraclet plugins generate either Fractal component glue, FractalADL definitions or Monolog configurations.

This approach has several benefits:

  • You don't have to worry about out dating deployment meta-data whenever you touch the code. The deployment meta-data is continuously integrated.
  • Working with only one file per component gives you a better overview of what you're doing. If your component consists of several files, it's easy to lose track. If you have ever written an Enterprise Java Bean, you know what we mean. A single EJB can typically consists of 7 or more files. With Fraclet you only maintain one of them, and the rest is generated.
  • You dramatically reduce development time, and can concentrate on business logic, while Fraclet generates 60% of the code for you.

Two implementations of the Fraclet annotation framework exist: Fraclet XDoc and Fraclet Annotation.

  • Fraclet XDoc uses the XDoclet generation engine to produce the various artifacts required by the Fractal component model.
  • Fraclet-Annotation uses the Spoon transformation tool to enhance the handwritten program code with the non-functional properties of the component model.

This tutorial describes the Fraclet Xdoc implementation.

Table of Contents

  1. Fraclet XDoc: An XDoclet2 plugin for Fractal
  2. Fraclet Availability
  3. Dissemination

1. Fraclet XDoc: An XDoclet2 plugin for Fractal

Fraclet uses the XDoclet2 as annotation parser and generation engine.

XDoclet is an open source code generation engine. It enables Attribute-Oriented Programming for java. In short, this means that you can add more significance to your code by adding meta data (attributes) to your java sources. This is done in special JavaDoc tags. This use of JavaDoc tags for attributes formed the original ideas for Java 5 Annotations.

XDoclet2 is the next generation of this technology. Based on Generama, it uses standard template engines such as Velocity and Freemarker for generation of text-oriented output, and Jelly for XML output. The function of XDoclet2 is to seed the generation contexts for these template engines.

XDoclet2 is supported by XDoclet2 plugins, which provide task-specific generation functionality.

This part describes the features of this XDoclet2 plugin for Fractal, and the way to use them.

  1. Available Annotations
  2. Available Plugins
  3. Revisiting the HelloWorld Example

1.1 Available Annotations

Some annotations have been defined in order to describe the component meta-information. The list below describes these annotations.

@providesClassAnnotation to describe a Fractal server interface.
@componentClassAnnotation to describe the controller part of a Fractal component.
@dataClassAnnotation to describe a data used by a Fractal component.
@monolog.handlerClassAnnotation to describe a custom Monolog handler.
@attributeFieldAnnotation to describe an attribute of a Fractal component.
@requiresFieldAnnotation to describe a binding of a Fractal component.
@controlFieldAnnotation to provide a reflective control to the content of a Fractal component.
@loggerFieldAnnotation to define a logger for a Fractal component.
@lifecycleMethodAnnotation to handle the lifecycle in a Fractal component.

The @provides annotation


This class annotation adds the name information to the definition of a Fractal interface. This name is required by the Fractal component model to identify the interfaces required and provided by a Fractal component. This annotation can also override the associated interface signature to introduce interface meta-information at the class level.


namethe name of the Fractal interface.Optional
(default value is the signature short name)
signaturethe signature of the Fractal interface.Optional
(default value is the Class signature)


/** @provides name=m */
public interface Main { ... }

/** @provides name=r signature=java.lang.Runnable */
public class Client implements Runnable { ... }

The @component annotation


This class annotation allows the developer to describe the description of the controller part that should be associated to the content part of the Fractal component.


namethe Fractal component fullname.Optional
controllerthe definition name of the controller part of the Fractal component.Optional
templatethe definition name of the controller part of the Fractal template component.Optional


/** @component name=fc.client controller=primitive */
public class Client implements Runnable { ... }

/** @component controller=primitive template=primitiveTemplate */
public class Client implements Runnable { ... }

The @data annotation


This class annotation provides a way to define a data used by a Fractal component.


/** @data */                
public class Message {

The @monolog.handler annotation


This class annotation allows the developer to describe a Monolog handler specific to the Fractal component. The available annotation attributes support the various properties that can be defined in a Monolog configuration file.


namethe identifier of the handler.Required
typethe type of the handler.Optional
(default value is Console)
outputthe output flow of the handler.Optional
(default value is System.out)
patternthe output pattern of the handler.Optional
(default value is %l: %m%n)
max-sizethe maximal size of the output file.Optional
file-numberthe number of files used by the handler.Optional
append-modetag to use the handler in append mode (true|false).Optional
(default value is false)


/** @monolog.handler name=clientHandler output=System.err pattern="%-5l [%h] <%t> %m%n" */
public class Client implements Runnable { ... }

The @attribute annotation


This field annotation describes a Fractal attribute. A Fractal attribute is a Java attribute whose value can be configured and introspected from the Fractal component. Fractal attributes are managed by the attribute control feature of the Fractal component model.


namethe name of the Fractal attribute.Optional
(default value is the Field name)
valuethe default value of the Fractal attribute.Optional


public class Client implements Runnable {
  /** @attribute name=count value=2 */
  protected int counter; // field should be declared as protected or public.

  /** @attribute value="->" */
  protected String prefix;

  /** @attribute */
  protected String suffix;


The @requires annotation


This field annotation describes a Fractal binding. A Fractal binding is a Java attribute representing a client interface. Fractal bindings are managed by the binding control feature of the Fractal component model.


namethe name of the Fractal binding.Optional
(default value is the Field name)
signaturethe signature of the Fractal binding.Optional
(default value is the Field signature)
contingencythe contingency of the Fractal binding (mandatory|optional).Optional
(default value is mandatory)
cardinalitythe cardinality of the Fractal binding (singleton|collection).Optional
(default value is singleton)


public class Client implements Runnable {
  /** @requires name=s signature=Service cardinality=collection */
  protected Map servers = new HashMap(); // collections are stored in a map

  /** @requires */
  protected Service service;


The @control annotation


This field annotation provides a way to refer a control interface provided by the controller part of the associated Fractal component.


namethe name of the Fractal controller.Optional
(default value is component)


public class Client implements Runnable {
  /** @control name=name-controller */
  protected NameController nc; // field should be declared as protected or public.

  /** @control  */
  protected Component self;


The @logger annotation


This field annotation provides a way to define a Monolog logger to log the execution of the Fractal component.


namethe name of the Monolog logger.Optional
(default value is the Class name)
levelthe level of the Monolog logger.Optional
(default value is INFO)
additivitythe additivity tag for the Monolog logger (true|false).Optional
(default value is true)
clean-handlersthe clean-handlers tag for the Monolog logger (true|false).Optional
(default value is true)


public class Client implements Runnable {
  /** @logger name=c handler="clientHandler,fileHandler" */
  protected Logger log; // field should be declared as protected or public.

  /** @logger */
  protected Logger log2;


Julia Configuration:

To enable the Monolog support in Julia, the julia.cfg configuration file should be modified to override the lifecycle-controller-impl definition as follows:

# LifeCycleController implementation (for primitive or composite components)
        # to check that mandatory client interfaces are bound in startFc:
        # to automatically assign the logger and logger factory:
        # to notify the encapsulated component (if present) when its state changes:
        # optional initialization parameter (monolog configuration file name):

AOKell Configuration:

To enable the Monolog support in AOKell, the configuration file should be modified to activate the feature.loggable.on property as follows:

# The loggable feature determines whether primitive components are equipped
# with a monolog logger or not (which is the default case).
# Uncomment the following property for using primitive components equipped
# with a monolog logger.
feature.loggable.on 	true                  


The @lifecycle annotation


This method annotation provides a way to define a lifecycle handler supported by the controller part of the associated Fractal component.


whenthe lifecyle transition to handle (create|start|stop|destroy).Required


public class Client implements Runnable {
  /** @lifecycle when=start */
  protected void init() {
    System.out.println("Starting the component Client...");


1.2 Available Plugins

Some plugins have been defined in order to generate the component artifacts. The list below describes these plugins:

AttributeControllerPlugin - Plugin to generate the AttributeController interface of a Fractal component.
PrimitiveComponentPluginAttributeControllerPluginPlugin to generate the component glue class of a Fractal component.
PrimitiveDefinitionPlugin - Plugin to generate the FractalADL definition associated to the Fractal component.
CompositeDefinitionPluginPrimitiveDefinitionPluginPlugin to generate the FractalADL assembly definition containing the Fractal component.
MonologConfigurationPlugin - Plugin to generate the Monolog configuration file associated to the Fractal components.

The AttributeControllerPlugin generator


Generates the <CLASS>Attributes interface associated to a <CLASS> class if it defines at least an attribute using the @attribute annotation.


<target name="compile">
  <taskdef name="xdoclet" classname="org.xdoclet.ant.XDocletTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
  <mkdir dir="${gen}"/>
    <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.java" />
    <component destdir="${gen}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.AttributeControllerPlugin"/>

The PrimitiveComponentPlugin generator


Generates the Fc<CLASS> class associated to a <CLASS> class. class if it defines either a @attribute, @requires, @control or/and @logger annotation.


<target name="compile">
  <taskdef name="xdoclet" classname="org.xdoclet.ant.XDocletTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
  <mkdir dir="${gen}"/>
    <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.java" />
    <component destdir="${gen}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.PrimitiveComponentPlugin"/>

The PrimitiveDefinitionPlugin generator

Generates the <CLASS>.fractal definition associated to a <CLASS> class (or interface).


<target name="compile">
  <taskdef name="xdoclet" classname="org.xdoclet.ant.XDocletTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
  <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.java" />
    <component destdir="${build}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.PrimitiveDefinitionPlugin"/>

The CompositeDefinitionPlugin generator


Generates the <CLASS>Composite.fractal definition associated to a <CLASS> class if it defines at least a @requires annotation.


<target name="compile">
  <taskdef name="xdoclet" classname="org.xdoclet.ant.XDocletTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
  <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.java" />
    <component destdir="${build}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.CompositeDefinitionPlugin"/>

The MonologConfigurationPlugin generator


Generates the configuration file for the Monolog tool.


<target name="compile">
  <taskdef name="xdoclet" classname="org.xdoclet.ant.XDocletTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
  <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.java" />
    <component destdir="${build}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.MonologConfigurationPlugin"/>

1.3 Revisiting the HelloWorld Example with Fraclet

This section provides a quick overview of the benefits of Fraclet. It shows that using annotations, Fractal source code becomes more concise and easier to maintain. It shows that using Fractlet, more than 60% of the source code (Java, FractalADL, properties) can be saved.

HelloWorld Architecture Overview

The figure below introduces the well-known HelloWorld example implemented with Fractal components.

HelloWorld Implementation

The source code below represents the Java code and the Fraclet annotations written to implement the Client and the Server Fractal components:

/** @provides name=r signature=java.lang.Runnable */
public class Client implements Runnable {
  /** @requires */
  protected Service s ;
  /** @attribute value="Hello !" */
  protected String message;
  public void run() {

The Client class defines the Runnable interface as a Fractal interface using the @provides annotation. The attribute s is annoted as a client interface (using @requires), which will be named s as no name parameter is defined. The attribute message is annoted as a Fractal attribute (using @attribute), which will be automatically initialized to "Hello !".

/** @provides name=s */
public interface Service {
  void print(String message);

The Service interface is annoted with @provides to define the name of the Fractal interface as s.

public class Server implements Service {
  /** @attribute */
  protected String header;
  /** @attribute */
  protected int counter;
  public void print(final String message) {
    for (int i = 0; i < this.counter; i++)
      System.out.println(this.header + message);

The Server class inherits automatically from the Service annotations. The header and the counter attributes are defined as Fractal attributes (using @attribute), whose initial value will be defined when the component will be created.

HelloWorld Architecture Definition

The assembly definition below represents the FractalADL assembly defined to describe the HelloWorld Fractal component:

<definition name="HelloWorld" extends="ClientComposite">
  <component name="s" definition="Server(>>,2)"/>

This definition creates a composite component HelloWorld extending the generated Client abstract definition. Then it specifies that the definition of the component named s is Server and that the values of the header and the counter attributes are >> and 2, respectively.

Compilation with Ant

The following piece of XML presents the compilation process enhanced with the Fractal plugins.

<project name="helloworld" default="compile">
  <target name="compile">
    <taskdef name="xdoclet" classname="org.xdoclet.ant.XDocletTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
    <mkdir dir="${gen}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
      <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.java" />
      <component destdir="${gen}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.AttributeControllerPlugin"/>
      <component destdir="${gen}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.PrimitiveComponentPlugin"/>
      <component destdir="${build}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.PrimitiveDefinitionPlugin"/>
      <component destdir="${build}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.CompositeDefinitionPlugin"/>
      <component destdir="${build}" classname="org.objectweb.fractal.fraclet.MonologConfigurationPlugin"/>
    <javac srcdir="${src}:${gen}" destdir="${build}" classpathref="classpath">
      <include name="**/*.java"/>
    <copy todir="${build}">
      <fileset dir="${src}">
        <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
        <exclude name="**/*.html"/>

Directory Structure

The directory structure below presents the list of compiled, generated and written files when using Fraclet to implement the HelloWorld example:

  * build/
    - Client.class
    - Client.fractal
    - ClientAttributes.class
    - ClientComposite.fractal
    - FcClient.class
    - FcServer.class
    - HelloWorld.fractal
    - Server.class
    - Server.fractal
    - ServerAttributes.class
    - Service.class
    - Service.fractal
  * generated/
  * src/
    - HelloWorld.fractal

2. Fraclet Availability

Fraclet is freely available under an LGPL licence at the following URLs:

3. Dissemination

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