Fractal - Download

Getting the binaries

The main binary packages for programing with Fractal are listed below. Additional binary packages can be downloaded from the Fractal Forge.

Fractal programming in Java

These packages include Julia 2.5.1, Fractal ADL 2.2, Fraclet 3.0.3, FScript 2.1, and FractalExplorer 1.1.3.

More information about these packages can be found on the fractal-distribution web page.

Fractal programming in C/C++

Download the Cecilia ready-to-use package.

Getting the sources

You can visit the Fractal SVN page for instructions on how to perform a checkout of the sources.

Each module is built with Maven and is self-contained, which means that you can check it out individually and build it, without any requirement except reading the Fractal Maven page and, eventually, the README.txt file which could be present at the root of the module you checked out.

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