Interface Admin

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Admin

A simple interface for MBean manipulation on the Fractal JMX agent side. This interface allows an agent component implementing this interface to register MBeans in its scope, where:

For example, in the architecture depicted below, where an agent is added to the composite B:

Naming convention: In JMX, an ObjectName represents a reference to an MBean in the agent. It is unique within an MBeanServer and consists of two parts: the domain name and an unordered list of propert-value pairs. The string representation of an object name must follow the following syntax:

In Fractal JMX, the object name of an MBean representing a component server interface uses this syntax as follows:

where: For example, in the figure above, the MBean representing the interface I of the component D is identified by:

where @56e32 is the unique identifier of component D. This identifier is generated by the agent and can be ignored.

This naming convention:


Method Summary
 void expose()
          Registers MBeans in the agent.

Method Detail


public void expose()
            throws JMException
Registers MBeans in the agent. This method allows the agent component (implementing this interface) to register MBeans in its scope, where:

This method:

JMException - if a problem occurs during the MBean registration.