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HelloWorld description


What follows is a generic description of the HelloWorld example, as it may be found (more or less adapted) in various Fractal implementation examples distributions. The example used throughout this tutorial is a very simple application made of two primitive components inside a composite component (see the figure below). The first primitive component is a "server" component that provides an interface to print messages on the console. It can be parameterized thanks to two attributes: a "header" attribute to configure the header printed in front of each message, and a "count" attribute to configure the number of times each message should be printed. The other primitive component is a "client" component that uses the previous component to print some messages.


The server component provides a server interface named "s" of type Service , which provides a print method. It also has an AttributeController interface of type ServiceAttributes , which provides four methods to get and set the two attributes of the server component. The client component provides a server interface named "m" of type Main , which provides a main method, called when the application is launched. It also has a client interface named "s" of type Service .

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